Monthly Seminars
Upcoming Seminars
Antiretroviral Pharmacology and Selecting an Antiretroviral Regimen
Implementation of Long-Acting Drugs for the Treatment and Prevention of HIV
Adolescents and Young Adults and National Legislative Actions
Past Seminars
Prior CIDNI Recorded Seminar Series Presentations:
We provide an informational presentation and discussion on a different topic in infectious disease during our monthly seminar series. Feel free to review and enjoy some of past presentations at your own time if you were unable to join live.
2024 Updates in HIV Prevention,Treatment and Salvage Regimens
Managing Marburg Outbreaks: Clinical Presentation and the Critical Role of Nurses in Effective Response
HIV in the South: What More Can We Do?
HIV Stigma: Translating Theory into Action
Thriving with HIV: Long Term Survivors Share Their Journey
Empowering Youth in the Exam Room: Innovative Strategies for Sexual Health History Taking
The first drug-resistant TB patient cured by a nurse using the BPaL 6 month treatment regimen: lessons learned from initial implementation
From Awareness to Action: Recognizing and Reducing PrEP Disparities Among Black Sexual Minority Men
Dr. Aniruddha Hazra, MD, is an Associate Professor at the University of Chicago, Department of Medicine.
Optimizing the HIV Prevention Experience: Regimens, Clinical Requirements and Real-World Preferences: The Next Steps
Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV
PrEP: Optimizing Uptake and Persistence with MSM, trans/cis women and people who use drugs
Making Health Equity Actionable: Our Commitment to Ending HIV in Baltimore
From Research Question to Intervention Development: An Exemplar from Family-Based HIV/STI Prevention for LGBTQ Adolescents
Exploring Brain Health and Cognition in HIV
HIV and Aging: Across and Beyond the Continuum of Care
COVID-19 Vaccine hesitancy at Nine Community Sites Across the United States, Early in the Pandemic
Doxycycline for Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP): Efficacy, Guidelines, and Considerations
Prevention of Maternal to Child Transmission (PMTCT): Everyone has a Role to Play
Implementing Pediatric Bone and Joint Infection Guidelines, a DNP project
A Nursing Research Agenda for Ending Drug-Resistant TB
Outbreaks of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
Preventing Healthcare Associated Infections: It Takes a Village
HIV: How Far We’ve Come – 40+ Years of HIV and Counting
Back to Basics: Family-Based HIV/STI Prevention for LGTBQ Adolescents and Young Adults
Stigma, Disparities and Global Health Inequities: How Monkeypox2022 Pandemic Highlights Chronic Infectious Disease Challenges
Eliminating Hepatitis C: Why are we Failing?
Infectious Disease Manager
Viral Hepatitis Center, Division of Infectious Disease
Preventing infection in solid organ transplant recipients
Infectious Disease Nurse Practitioner
Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Transplant Center
Anti-microbial resistance in Sexually Transmitted Infections
Assistant Professor
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Optimizing the HIV Prevention Experience: Regimens, Clinical Requirements and Real-World Preferences
Endowed Professor
Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing
TB associated costs - How these are measured and the impact on patient outcomes
Associate Professor
Faculty of Health Sciences University of the Witwatersrand