Our team members at CIDNI presented data on the BringBPaL2Me Trial at the South African TB Conference that was held in Durban in June 2024. We had3 abstracts accepted as posters. See the photos of our lead authors with their posters below.

Dr. Farley presented “Training and capacitating the primary healthcare workforce to deliver BPaL-L treatment for RR-TB in Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.” Authors included were: Mlandu N, Kadernani YE, Lowensen K, Ndjeka N, Evans D, & Farley JE.

Yakub Kadernani presented “Decentralizing BPaL-L into primary care in Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces: Lessons learned from the BringBPaL2Me trial.” Authors included were: Kadernani YE, Ndjeka N, Evans D, Hirasen K, Lowensen K, Mlandu N, Patil A, & Farley JE.

Adam Leonard presented “RR-TB patients and the PrEP continuum of care: Opportunities to better integrate HIV prevention efforts into South African TB services.” Authors included were: Leonard AJ, Lowensen K, Patil A, Kadernani Y, Mlandu K, Ndjeka N, Evans D, & Farley JE