Amit “Mickey” Dhir, CIDNI Trainee and Nurse Practitioner at Chase Brexton Health Services serves as a LGBTQIA+ Commissioner and Chair of the Health and Wellness Committee within the commission for the State of Maryland. Mickey and the committee’s goal is to improve the health and wellbeing of the LGBTQIA+ Marylanders not only through legislative and administrative policy recommendations, but also via establishing best practices for healthcare and wellness providers to improve access to transition related care, HIV prevention and treatment, primary care, and mental health care.
Governor Wes Moore and First Lady, Dawn Moore at the Governor House in Annapolis celebrated the LGBTQIA+ community and commissions work to continue to enhance the inclusion of LGBTQIA+ individuals and communities statewide. Mickey has a deep passion for health and wellness of his community and hopes to improve many critical aspects of health, including but not limited to HIV prevention and treatment access for LGBTQIA+ Marylanders.