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Ntombasekhaya Mlandu

Clinical Nurse Practitioner


HIV/AIDS; tuberculosis; primary Care

Ntombasekhaya Mlandu PN, CNP, BScN, MPH is a clinical nurse practitioner in South Africa. She is the operational manager of a large community health center in the Eastern Cape, South Africa and the owner/operator of a nurse-led primary care clinic. She was the first nurse to initiate drug-resistant TB treatment in South Africa, paving the way for the expansion of DR-TB treatment to primary care clinics. Ms. Mlandu represents nursing perspectives in the decentralisation of programmatic management of drug resistant TB (PMDT) on the WHO AFRO Green Light Committee for Drug-Resistant TB.

Populations of interest:

HIV+ population; drug-Resistant TB; HIV/TB co-infection; general primary care patients

Ntombasekhaya Mlandu